Add boost/turbo mode for heating with thermostat

In my home I have classic radiator heating system (4 units), and a central heating pump. Automation is well set to trigger the central pump if one of the TRVs on the radiator is set to start heating. Pump central switch goes off when all the TRVs go back to idle mode.

Currently I use better thermostat to control the TRVs climate entity and I use external temperature sensors.

On top of that I have 2 AC units in the apartment, that could be used as a turbo. Essentially for 2 rooms, it is possible to heat them additionally with the AC system. I would like to use the AC units for heating on demand or when button for turbo mode is enabled (maybe based on schedule).

I don’t seem to find the way in a better thermostat, nor in generic one, to do so directly, so my idea is to create an automation that will trigger when respective TRV in the room goes to hvac_action == heating and turbo mode is enabled. To have full control over AC heating, we need to bring its own thermostat control unit in the HA, meaning that in 2 of the rooms, I will have 2 thermostat in each of the room (one for TRV, one for AC).

Is it possible in any of the thermostat (generic/better) integrations to control multiple climate entities, but some of them conditionally? In my case:

  • Use radiator system all the time
  • Control AC heating system only when turbo is activated (based on button or schedule), otherwise do not touch AC heating climate.

I would say in all of them.
That is how they usually work and I do not know any that do not work this way.
You add them to HA and then use setpoint temperature to control them conditionally or an automation directly controlling the valve opening, if you have one of the rare TRVs that can do that.
How they interact with each other is just how you choose to set up HA and the TRVs.

Thanks for your reply. Maybe I miswrote my initial request.

Today the thermostat integration directly controls the TRVs. No additional automation is needed to get TRVs to open or closed state. As soon as actual temperature goes below set, it kicks in.

But the idea would be that there is a single thermostat entity (let’s call it living room) which, when temperature is below the set one, it would:

  • Always turn on the climate TRV (open state) - this is done today already
  • If certain switch is enabled, it would also turn on the AC into heating mode. A conditional control built-in in the generic/better thermostat integration natively.

Indeed this can be done manually with the automation (when TRVs are open, turn on the AC if certain input is activated), but I was rather asking if there is a native way supported by thermostat integration

There is no native way.
A native way require maintenance of that code and the code will limit options. The less options you want limited the more maintenance you need of the code.
That is why it is left up to the user to design his own automations.