Add button to dashboard

Hello. Fairly new to Home Assistant. I am trying to add a simple button to the dashboard so when I click on it, a TTS message is sent over to my Google home. I have tried using the input_boolean but it doesn’t seem to work with the automation script:


    name: Dad Busy Status
    icon: mdi:human-male


- alias: Dad is in a meeting
  - entity_id: input_boolean.dad_busy_status
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  - data:
      message: Dad is in a meeting.
    service: tts.google_translate_say

Any help is much appreciated!

Welcome to the HA forum :slight_smile:

Use a button and have the TTS as a service which gets actioned when you click it

You can use similar code to what you currently have, just adjust to suit the button config. I don’t have time right now but could come back with it a bit later for you if you need


I have been looking for a lora device with pressbutton recently.
Found this one: Zane zDash . I ordered a sample, waiting fot it to test.
Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the reply. Have tried adding a button but it seems it would need to be tied to an existing entity

what device are you sending the TTS message to? you could just link the button to that