Hello. Fairly new to Home Assistant. I am trying to add a simple button to the dashboard so when I click on it, a TTS message is sent over to my Google home. I have tried using the input_boolean but it doesn’t seem to work with the automation script:
name: Dad Busy Status
icon: mdi:human-male
- alias: Dad is in a meeting
- entity_id: input_boolean.dad_busy_status
platform: state
to: 'on'
- data:
message: Dad is in a meeting.
service: tts.google_translate_say
You can use similar code to what you currently have, just adjust to suit the button config. I don’t have time right now but could come back with it a bit later for you if you need
I have been looking for a lora device with pressbutton recently.
Found this one: Zane zDash . I ordered a sample, waiting fot it to test.
Any other suggestions?