Add extra disk from host in Hassos

I am running Hassos in Virtualbox on a Windows 2016 server.
I want to add an extra disk for storage available for use in HA (NOT expand the existing).
A extra physical SSD is added in the host machine, and i created a partition and formatted it with NTFS.

I am not a Linux guy, but how is the best approach to add this diskdrive/make it visible to HA?
Can i make a vhd in Virtualbox, add it to the virtual machine and some way mount it/make it visible for HA?

If you use hassos, the short answer is: you can’t.

Hmmm some other ways? share it and use smb? Portainer tricks? or is the only option to expand the vhd hassio running on?
Seems strange i have to say, but thank you for your reply!

Hassos is close down, only option is to expand the vhd. If you want more possiblies, you need homeassistant supervised ( before known as hassio on generic Linux)


i would stop the system and move the vhd to the ssd.
btw: Winblows 2016 Virtualbox and NTFS? why not refs (or hyper-v) ???

Ok, make sense since i added an extra vhd to the virtual machine.
Virtualbox says it is mounted to Hassos, but under the hardware page no disk is listed.
I am trying to find a workaround, share it and try to use it as a network storage.
My need is to use it for Motioneye.


Virtualbox is better when coming to USB and hardware passthroug.
And if the host hardware gets toasted, it is way more faster and easyer to get it up running on any machine with virtualbox. No guid´s, security issues etc. just copy in the vhd,you can not do that in Hyper-V that easy.

Hassos is already running on a ssd that is larger than the extra ssd, i just want to have the motioneye files on a separate drive.

ahh ok ok
be warned :wink:
everything you change inside that hassos is lost after the updater fetches a new release.

i dont run motioneye (and dont run hassio or hassos) because it doesnt support usb cams.
sorry cant help you ;-(

Motioneye have smb support, so i just shared the drive in Windows at the host, then set up the drive in Motioneye.
So mission is completed, but using the network is not optimal since the disk is mounted on the host.

I just have networked cams, so Motioneye is perfect for my needs, just solved using sharing and smb. Thank you for trying!