Add Home Maintenance "helpers"

I’m not sure how I should describe this need, nor how the solution should be implemented.

As a home owner I would like to …

  • follow the schedule of different apartment related maintenance tasks
  • see when they were last done/executed
  • add different schedules and notifications for different tasks and also
  • automatically (and possibly manually) create a log of the executed tasks with time stamps and topics

… to help me maintain my apartment and therefore keep it’s value higher and to later show possible apartment buyers that this and this has been done at this point of time.

I created a monster implementation years ago for this. It is built on binary sensors, template sensors, notifications, scripts, automations, input_datetime helpers and some UI stuff.

I have a Maintenance dashboard, which has some other stuff too, but basically this is my main thing:

It’s in finnish, but basically I have 4 different tasks that I follow (the unit pv in the screenshot means days). I want to vacuum my AC unit’s filter every 90 days, I want to change the AC unit’s filter every 180 days, I want to vacuum several room air channel grids every 180 days and I want to clean and treat my shower glass walls every … 90 days I think.

(I live in a small and new apartment so the tasks are quite irrelevant. But any “real” house owner has a ton of tasks to do)

So the values above count the days since the last time stamp they vere reset. Then I have the way too big buttons below that run scripts that reset the values above. So the use case is for example so that I clean the glasses, press the button to set the corresponding input_datetime to the current date and therefore it starts the count from 0 again.

From this it would not be to difficult to expand the reset script to append a line to some text file which would serve as a Home maintenance log, but this I have not yet done. Ideally it would have the ability to sync the log to some cloud service too.

And then I have multiple different notification scripts that send notifications to my iPhone for example every 5 days after the trigger value has been achieved saying “Would you please find the energy to clean the shower glass, you were supposed to do it 10 days ago already”.

As an added bonus I created a conditional badge to my main dashboard which only shows if some task is overdue. Basically it shows “Maintenance needed” as long as any task is overdue.

I’m not a programmer and I know that the implementation should not have to be such a monster that it is now. At the moment I don’t dare to touch it, because it will 100% break. But also I feel that this sort of feature falls great into Home Assistant’s scope and I hope there could be a proper solution to this.

Maybe a tab of it’s own, like Energy has?