Add json_attributes_path option to the comand line sensor

The restful sensor supports this as an option.

Can we please get it in the command line sensor too?

It is very difficult to obtain nested attributes from the command line sensor at the moment as they are converted to a string.

I’ve created a workaround by developing a python script that converts the nested json returned by a command into a flat json so that all required attributes could be read in single command execution.
But indeed json_attrinbutes_path would be the best way to achieve it.

Been poking around for the same issue. I was trying to create some sensors to extract information from the insteon_devices.json file that is stored in the root folder (config folder). I could not find a way (help me if I am wrong) to use Rest to access the root directory for this file. I need to use Rest because it alone supports json_attributes_path and not a simple command line sensor using cat insteon_devices.json

The only solution (which to me is an extreme hack) is a sensor that tracks when the file is changed and copy it to another directory which I can get to via Rest.