I have two simple automations to turn my pool on and off. One turns on at sunrise and another turns off at 3 PM. This works well for simple time-of-year runtime adjustment. It runs longer in the summer, and shorter in the winter.
I’m in an area that’s affected by moderately strong winds occasionally. I have a weather station on the roof that can accurately measure wind speed and gusts. I’m trying to find a way to use wind speed and duration to “add” runtime to the pool pump.
The first challenge is the inconsistency of windspeeds, which will oscillate between say 3 and 12mph for a few hours, so my first problem is how to create and tune threshold sensors that differentiate between “windy” and “not_windy”.
The second half of the logic equation is “if it’s windy, run the pump continuously” then “when switching from ‘windy’ to ‘not_windy’ start a 3 hour timer then turn off”. This part I could probably figure out.
Something I want to be careful to avoid is long running timers as HA restarts disrupt them.
I’m looking for some suggestions. Thanks!
description: ""
mode: single
- event: sunrise
trigger: sun
conditions: []
- data: {}
entity_id: switch.pentair_pool
action: switch.turn_on
alias: Pool Pump - Off
description: ""
mode: single
- at: "15:00:00"
trigger: time
conditions: []
- data: {}
entity_id: switch.pentair_pool
action: switch.turn_off