Add new Xiaomi Binary Sensor Door Sensor

Hey all,

I’ve just finished putting together my entire 2 Door Sensor and 5 Motion and everything has been working great for a year now.
i just add a new Door Sensor שs I remember this is added automatically to the HA, but now i add a new one and HA did not show it, what i miss here?


Is it visible in the Xiaomi app?

If so, it should be visible in the states tab <>, at least after a restart.

Yes, visible and work via Xiaomi app.

<> did not show it…

Try rebooting Home Assistant, to make it appear.

Hi, I’ve arrived here because Im having this problem. I added the xiaomi gateway and have it working well. Now I just added a new light and have it working in the Xiaomi app, but can’t find a way to add it to home assistant. I have rebooted both devices and looked in the <> tab and can’t see it. Any other suggestions?

There are no lights which connect to the gateway. You probably have Yeelight or Xiaomi Philips lights. Read the instructions on how to use them in HA.

You, Sir, are a genius.

Its a Xiaomi Philips bulb and I just saw how convoluted getting the token is so that will have to be a project for another night.