Add-ons does not appear in Settings list

Hi all,

I am totally new to HA. I have installed it on my Synology NAS to read my house Energy consumption from my Tasmota. (Home Assistant 2023.7.3 Frontend 20230705.1 - latest)
Apparently installation of the Mosquito MQTT broker add-on is required for my needs. But the add-ons page does not appear on my settings page. I tried looking for this issue using the search function. The solution was to select the “Advanced Settings” in the profile, but they are already set. Any advice? Thanks.

Did you reboot since you selected ‘advanced’?

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Depends which installation type of HA you have running.

Not all installation types support addons. Which guide did you follow to install on your Synology?

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Yes, I rebooted.

Unfortunately I am not sure, what you mean by “guide”.

The following is shown on my Synology GUI when I go to the installed package:

I found the package by using the search function on my Synology and just installed it.

You have home assistant Core installed, which doesn’t support addons. More info on the 4 installation types can be found here

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