also if I use the default switch and try to toggle that it does nothing- the switch will return to whatever state the PiHole is currently at and not change- but it will change if you change it on the PiHole gui.
I get all the accurate data and the switch toggles back and forth if I disable from the Pi-hole GUI - but the switch will not control it going the other way from HA to Pi-hole
you got me to the answer- I had to change the config.yaml from pi.hole to the actual ip of the pihole I wanted to control. It works now I think. The switch at least, checking on the button.
Looks like I am still not able to set a timed duration on the button, but I can now turn it on and off. I’d like to be able to have it set on a timer or something though so that it would turn itself back on in 3 minutes or something. Right now it’s either always on or always off