Add Proxon Heating System to HA via Modbus

I just uploaded the “Proxon” part of the dashboard to Github. (Dashboard_new.yaml)
Some automations are no more necessary.
and you need the integrations

  • bubble card
  • vertical stack-in card
  • button-card
  • card-mod
  • Theme bubble (not mandatory)

The topic about “Modbus schreiben”: I didn’t ask the support if there is a way to do that by myself. I was writing a message via the contact form and they called me back next morning and told me, that they have changed it remotely to “2”. So just give it a try.

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just checked your repo, but found only the old dashboard :confused:

Hmmmm… don’t know what went wrong again.
now it should be available

now its there. thx so much!

no problem. just ask in case of questions.
I tried to have the information as compact as possible, since I wanted to use the same stack on my “home-page” as bubble-popup.
e.g. the temperatures. When I touch the temperature button, the temperature popup appears.


temperature popup

on the mobile phone it looks even better.

ne update available on GitHub (GitHub - Stroett/HA_config_Proxon)
…for those who are interested in…

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You see this is what I asked some months ago. For me it is also read only but I don’t really bother right now. I just switch the PTCs individually.

@Stroett - Hi, would you have any idea why my modbus connection using Waveshare Industrial USB to RS485 Converter is not working? I tried so many things I found but none are working.