IntesisHome WiFi AC Control

Thanks!! Working!!!

I now gett values and graphics,

how can i make a switch button for on/off my a/a??

sorry but i am newbe for this bussiness… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry but i’m trying and i cant do it work.

There is a way for make a switch working. i trying this…

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: ‘Aire Acondicionado’
    value_template: “{{ if controller.get_power_state(‘climate.aa_fujitsu’) == ‘off’ }}”
    service: climate.aa_fujitsu
    entity_id: set_power_on
    service: climate.aa_fujitsu
    entity_id: set_power_off

I reply my self.

This can do it with component climate
here is an example

  • alias: Climatizador Modo Noche
    initial_state: True
    hide_entity: False
    platform: time
    at: ‘21:00:00’
    condition: and
    • condition: state
      entity_id: climate.aa_fujitsu
      state: ‘Frio’
    • service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.aa_fujitsu
      temperature: 23
      operation_mode: Frio
    • service: climate.set_fan_mode
      entity_id: climate.aa_fujitsu
      fan_mode: Quiet
    • service: notify.telegram
      message: “Se Ha Cambiado La Temperatura Del Climatizador a 23º”

Hi all, unfortunately no longer have access to an IntesisHome device for testing, hence not progressing the pull request given the number of changes I was asked to make.

If anyone else wants to jump in and help out with the requested changes please feel free!

Hey, sad news :frowning: .

What exactly you need for port your script to newer HA version???

I’ve started debugging some issues and have some operational code again in .56.2. Interested to see if anyone else is able to talk to what issues they’re encountering currently.

Hey!! good news, please share your code and i will try it and send feedback to you

Is your install operational?

Yes, I am using it now with many automations refered to Intesishome enabled.

If your install works, whats the issue?

i don’t understand fine you sorry. Works all except Intesishome :stuck_out_tongue:

so… can you send me your code for test???

I’m a new user in home assistant, but I’m very interested to have integrated intesis home in HA. Is possible to do at this moment?


Pues parece que el chico que esta depurando el codigo no da señales de vida, a ver si nos envia su codigo para probarlo. Yo lo he tenido en marcha funcionando hasta que cambiaron la version de Python en HASS

Vaya lástima, es una pena no poder integrarlo :((

I made a few amendments to get mine operational, but its a nasty set of hacks I wouldnt recommend use unless you’re desperate.

I might do a diff so you can use them if you choose, but it really needs more substantial effort to be properly supported.

What would be useful are any logs of errors you’re encountering with the version you’re using.

Como lo llevas tu Ruben?

I have errors related to in _send_update_callback

Can you send me your beta for test¿¿¿ I will send you reports.

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Hey, well i installed your scripts on my HA setup. I don’t see anything on mi HASS, no errors on log and no elements on HASS.

There is any special to know?