Add support for Smarther with Netatmo

Great, Thank you.

hello, how to install?

to use this integration is it necessary to have Home Assistant Cloud?

Thank you

No, not at all.

@cgtobi one quick question. Am I right in assuming that your work is now included in HA 2022.11?

By setting up the netatmo integration the Bticino Smarther 2 should just work, without using any gateway or third party integration?

Just wanted to be sure before I actually buy the thermostat.

This is included in 2022.11, yes. But whether this works reliably I need to check with one of the users that actually owns such a device, since I don’t.

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Hello, sorry for the dumb question but it’s not clear for me which integration i should use for the BTicino Smarter2.

I see 3 different integrations: Legrand, Legrand Home+ Control and Netatmo. Which one of those is it?

Thank you!

@NdR Il faut utiliser l’integration “Legrand”, les vannes sont sansnom au début mais il arrive par la suite.

You have to use the “Legrand” integration, the valves are nameless at the beginning but it happens later.

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I confirm that Smarther 2 works without Gateway, and the integration is included in HA 2022.11.

I’m using it now, even if there is something strange. Different entities are exposed if you use HomeKit integration vs Netatmo. Plus, Netatmo integration is much less responsive than HomeKit due to API limitation.

@cgtobi Strange but with Netatmo integration I cannot switch mode from cool to heat, it only reports heat or “auto”. With Homekit it works, but I cannot change mode like Boost or Frost guard etc.

Anyway super work with this integration :wink:


Do you see any errors in the logs? If possible, please file an issue on GitHub and/or if you are adventurous enough feel free to ping me on discord in case you want to help testing this integration before it gets released.

Hi @cgtobi. I found a problem/bug for my situation.
In my house there are 5 thermostats smarther 2 (with netatmo), and when I change the preset on one of them, it change the mode of all house and not only for that thermostat.
In the table of Home+Control API Documentation you can see what i mean:
Set a room temperature/mode
Set a mode to home
Is it possible to change only the thermostat preset?
Thank you!

Hi there,

i only have heater, but this is what i get in my integration (go to developer tools - states and add the climate entity of your own):


  • auto
  • heat

min_temp: 7
max_temp: 30
target_temp_step: 0.5

  • away
  • boost
  • Frost Guard
  • Schedule

current_temperature: 14.9
temperature: 7
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: Schedule
selected_schedule: ‘’
attribution: Data provided by Netatmo
friendly_name: Hallway
supported_features: 17

so i am using this card in order to control my heater:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
    entity: climate.hallway
    layout: horizontal
    show_temperature_control: true
      - heat
    name: Thermostat
      action: call-service
      service: climate.set_preset_mode
        preset_mode: Schedule
        entity_id: climate.hallway
      action: call-service
      service: climate.set_preset_mode
        preset_mode: Frost Guard
        entity_id: climate.hallway
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: tile
        entity: sensor.heating
        name: Total Heating
      - type: tile
        entity: sensor.heating_on_daily
        name: Daily Heating
  - type: history-graph
    show_names: false
      - entity: binary_sensor.heating_on

which looks like this:

Hi @thanomichalis,

how did you setup sensor.heating_on_daily and binary_sensor.heating_on? I’m trying to compare hvac_action attribute to “heat” but it doesn’t work; it’s always in “idle” also if the thermostat is on.

Hi @lnx85 , you need to create a templated binary sensor. I have created a separate yaml for all binary sensors, or you may added directly to the configuration.yaml of yours. I prefer a separate file since i keep them more organized.
If you do go for the separate file you need to add in your configuration.yaml file, where the binary sensors file is like that:
binary_sensor: !include binary_sensor.yaml

My binary_sensor.heating_on is the following:

- platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Heating On'
        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('climate.smarther_thermostat_heater_cooler', 'hvac_action', 'heating') }}"

So, the above, returns “on” if the state of the attribute hvac_action of the climate entity is “heating”, otherwise it returns “off”.

Then you need to create a history stats template sensor. Mine is the sensor.heating_today, that captures how long the binary sensor above was “on”. The template is:

- platform: history_stats
  name: Heating Today
  entity_id: binary_sensor.heating_on
  state: "on"
  type: time
  start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}"
  end: "{{ now() }}"

Then create as many Utility Meters based on the above sensor (Heating Today) to count the time daily or weekly or whatever.

Hope it was clear… :slight_smile:

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Hi @cgtobi I’ve tried to contact you on discord.
I have an issue when I try to integrate the Bticino smarther thermostat 2 on home assistant. After several attempts I’m able to link home assistant with Netatmo cloud, home assistant integrate the bticino smarther thermostat, but I can see only the humidity entities.
What wrong in your opinion? Could you help me?


Hello wich integration should i use?

Same problem here with Home Assistant 2023.8.2 :roll_eyes:

I’m using HomeKit Integration and it works perfectly.
API limitation of Netatmo make entities update too slow with Netatmo integration.

I confirm, same issue with Smarther that espone correctly only humidity entity.

Will this work with Legrand X8000?