Add Tariff Period for Energy Dashboard

It would be nice to add the option to add tariffs including a time period where it is valid to the energy dashboard.
As a lot of people are changing the energy provider on a yearly basis and to not lose older data with a different tarriff, this would be a nice feature.

Tariff 1 - valid from 2/2/2022 to 12/12/2022 - 40c/kWh
Tariff 2 - valid from 12/12/2022 to 2/3/2023 - 22c/kWh
Tariff 3 - valid from 2/3/2023 to Today - 17c/kWh

When adding a new tariff, the old one will be “closed” (Tariff 3) and a new one starts - Tariff 4

What about people whose tariffs change on an hourly rate or changes depending on how much energy they have used?

Both are also popular with energy providers, and a whole bunch of other methods too.

There is no “one size fits all”. So the clever developers allow us to provide a sensor for pricing which we can automate to suit all applications.

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Valid input - can be removed, if no further interest.