Added socket to energy and gettng error "Entity does not have expected device class"

Hello. I have some sockets that provide power. I created Reimann integral sensor for these, but I am getting this “unexpected device class” error for integral sensors. I assume it is because original device does not have device class power. I found it can be changed if I go to device configuration in UI and change “Show as”, but there is no power in pick list. There is Switch, Socket, Bulb etc., but not Power.

I could make entry in configuration.yaml, but I really hate to do that, one reason is that I need to restart HA and then wait one day for slowly-updating sensors to show up.

Anyway, I believe that adding device to Energy panel, even with reimann integral, is PURELY USER ACTIVITY and should work without fiddling with configuration.yaml. It is possible to add device to energy panel with UI, so it should be possible to adjust that device so errors are remedied, or not? In other words, please allow us to ADD DEVICES TO ENERGY and FIX ERRORS through UI.

Thank you, Jan

After some time, I learned that the sensor collect energy even when the error is present.