Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

Hoping it may be useful, after searching is the oldest apk downloadable from this link Free download Vaillant vSMART Control APK for Android.
You can the find the secret key as described here:

Hello @pjmaenh,
Could you please send me via PM the information (API_KEY, SECRET_KEY, APP_VERSION and USER_PREFIX)?

I am using a migo thermostat as well!


Edit: found! thnks!

Hello @alexbelgium, (on s’est déjà parlé , mais cela date maintenant et j’étais sur un autre compte dont je ne retrouve plus mes identifiants :frowning: ) (come on belgium :stuck_out_tongue: )

Serait-il possible d’avoir une aide pour le secret key ?
Je suis sous iOS , je n’ai donc pas la possibilité de faire la procédure APK etc…

un tout grand merci :wink:

Pm sent now !

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Hello @alexbelgium , can you provide me the client secret please? Also, what is the “user prefix”?
Thanks from Belgium!!

Message sent

Hi could you supply me with the secret code please thanks in advance

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Could you provide the parameters for MiGo?
Thank you!

(post deleted by author)

Ciao @alexbelgium, @samueldumont , per favore, potresti fornirmi il codice segreto grazie in anticipo