Adding devices without integrations

I apologise for a newbie question.
I have two routers in my network, an EE Smart Hub providing my internet access and a TP-Link Archer C60 that I am using as a wifi access point to extend my network. I want to add them to my Home Assistant setup. However, there is no integration for EE, and the Archer will not connect to the TP-Link integration at all (using exactly the same login details that I can log into the router setup page).
Is there any way of connecting devices without an integration, just the known ip address?

No. But what do you expect HA to do with a device it does not know anything about? There is the ping integration, it pings devices on the network to see if it responds. Unless ping is disabled on the device, HA will be able to see if the devices are online. But I suspect that is not what you hoped to accomplish.

No - integrations are how Home Assistant knows how to “talk” to that device.

Now, there may be (I haven’t searched extensively) third party (aka custom) integrations that support these. For example:

If in doubt, hit up Google for Home Assistant name of device and see what you find

Thanks for the replies. I was hoping to get network traffic info and control of firewall through HA, rather than going through the two seperate device control web pages (EE and TP-Link) but I’ll have to give it a miss.

Hi Alan,

Most of us use HA to unify smart and dumb devices and the outputs of those devices in a single place what you’re trying to do can be achieved in many different ways but HA may not be the readily available solution you’re looking for

Having said that, once you have learned the principles of HA you may be interested in using it as a base for all your projects. It’s a rabbit hole :wink:

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