Adding Larnitech to home assistant


I am a new home assistant user and need some advice/help on how to integrate my Larnitech base home system into Home assistant.

As said above my home automation system is Larnitech.
I have tried and failed to integrate it into Home assistant ( mostly due to my lack of knowledge).
I know Larnitech has an API ( API - Larnitech wiki page) I should be able to acces but I havent succeeded.

Anybody here had any succes on integrating Larnitech in there Home assistant?

Many and kind regards in advance,



Hey Bram, same problem here… :unamused:

I’d love to use HA instead of Larnitech app to interact with my house because visualy I don’t like their interface/skin. Also in my case, my heating (Viessman) doesn’t integrate with Larnitech. Furthermore, my contractor promised me that my doorbell would sound through DLNA or Sonos devices which it does not :confused: