I have troubles adding my Z-wave Neo Coolcam Door/Window sensor to my configuration. I have Hassbian installed on my Raspberry PI 3B+ and Razberry 2 add-on board.
In my Home Assistant I can see my Razberry 2 board, but I can’t add an extra node. My Door sensor is not visible. Can somebody help me out?
When I type in this command: ls -l /dev/ttyAMA0 I get: crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 204, 64 Jan 26 12:48 /dev/ttyAMA0
These are the steps I took to install everything:
- Download Hassbian image en used Etcher to put the image on my SD card (exFat formatted)
- Created a file ssh and put it in the root of the SD card so I can excess my PI through SSH
- Putted on the Razberry 2 board onto the GPIO pins
- Started the PI and changed the password
- Executed $ sudo apt-get update and $ sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- Executed raspi-config and went to step 5: interface options -> P6 Serial - And selected yes to enable login shell accessible over serial.
- Restarted PI
- Removed the SD card from the PI, opened config.txt and added dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt on a new line at the end of the file
- Started the PI again
- Executed sudo systemctl disable hciuart
- Executed sudo systemctl mask [email protected] but got no results
- Executed sudo usermod -a -G dialout homeassistant again no result
- Started Home Assistant, create a new user and logged in
- Added Z-wave through integrations and use /dev/ttyAMA0 as a path
I can see the razberry 2 board, but am I missing something? If I click add node then the door sensor doesn’t become visible. I tried pressing the button on the sensor three times (as it says in the documentation) but still doenst show up.
Could someone help me out here?
Sorry for my bad english, Dutchie here.