Adding notification to Huawei LTE Router

With the new 0.79 home assistant release a new component for LTE Router has been added.

This router uses LTE interface and thereof has a SIM card slot.
The interface allows to send SMS and it would be nice to be able to send SMS as notifications.

It appears to me that the component uses as backend library, on the pypi website it states that the library allows to send SMS.

Could be it a new feature for this platform on the next release?

I’m also looking for a way to forward incoming messages and/or use a new SMS as a trigger for automations.

Hi Thank you for it.
I am trying to use it as a custom module on but it complain that the import

from ..huawei_lte import DATA_KEY

is not correct. Obviously the huawei_lte file is not there.

I don’t know other way for testing the module.
Can you give me a hint on how change the lines for using it as a custom module?


I’m not familiar with the concept of custom modules, but I guess replacing ..huawei_lte with homeassistant.components.huawei_lte could work.

If you get it to work, be sure to post a note about it in the above GitHub issue to help with getting it integrated into future HA releases.

Thank you for your reply @scop
Yes it works, I don’t know if it is unreliable by nature or what. I tried 3 or 4 times, A couple of times I found a timeout in the logs. To be honest other sensors of huawei_lte sometimes fails updating. Using it as a notification could be unreliable and therefore not of much sense.

I have a flat data plan on the sim I use in my router. I am available for testing.

Thank you for the PR!
Do you have any plans for implementing Huawei LTE SMS sensor?

I would also love to be able to receive triggers into HA on receipt of an SMS. I have been trying to hack about with things like Kannel to do SMS to MQTT, and alsoTextIt but just being able to to get a on off when message received or not would be great, as I just need a binary sensor, not really the contents of the message for a start…so building an SMS gateway would be a little overkill for what I need.

I have one of these devices which sends status over SMS, but I can think of many other IoT devices that could use SMS as this bearer is now so much cheaper than 10 years ago, when all the IoT devices were on GPRS etc…

WRT to above device I have the device reporting into my traccar instance, I just need to now decoode the HEX into an Open/Closed computed attribute status and then getting the status out of traccar as an attribute into HA will prove tricky…

No such active plans here.

Could you give some direction on how I can read the list of messages?

hello i have Huawei E8372 modem,
am trying to add code:

  - url:

#  - platform: huawei_lte
#    target: "+7966XXXXXXX"

when i uncomment notify options and rebutting then there is not happened. Gui not started however there is not something interesting in log.

when only huawei_lte: part in config or just integration working, i can see only this:

so how can i fix notify and RSSI sensor settings? Pls help me.

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It will be awesome adding a notification via sms from my router sim
Also to trigger via sms incase data is disconnected