Adding resources without switching to lovelace mode?

Sorry, I am new to HA and I am now playing with some add ons. I want to use the calendar add in “
Installation say I have to add
url: /local/atomic-calendar.js
type: module
to the " ui-lovelace.yaml" which I do not have. Do I have to switch to lovelace mode or how can I add this to uce the add-on?
Thanks for your patience!

Click the configure UI ‘hamburger’ button top right and select ‘configure UI’. Click the button again and select ‘raw config editor’. This is where you can paste the resource. Save (top right) then the X button top left to close.

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Thanks for your quick feedback. Where do I have to place the “recources” lines?
I see the “views”. Every section contains badges and crads and finishes with the title whhich is the name of the tab (why at the end?).
Do I have to create a card via the GUI first and have to modify the relevant section? Sorry for this dumb question.

At the very top of the file, above the title and views. e.g.

  - type: js
    url: /community_plugin/bar-card/bar-card.js
  - type: js
    url: /local/custom_ui/bom-weather-card.js
title: Your House
  - badges: []
      - entity:
        name: Alarm Panel
          - arm_away

Unless you are using compact custom header. Then it would look like this:

  clock_am_pm: false
  clock_date: true
  clock_format: '24'
  date_locale: au
  options: clock
  sidebar_closed: true
  sidebar_swipe: false
  voice: hide
  - type: js
    url: /community_plugin/bar-card/bar-card.js
  - type: js
    url: /local/custom_ui/bom-weather-card.js
title: Your House
  - badges: []
      - entity:
        name: Alarm Panel
          - arm_away

Because the GUI editor puts things in alphabetical order to a large degree.

Which is why I don’t like to use any HA gui editor. They all work that way and it confuses people.

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