Adding unknown (now known) Z-wave device to HA

I purchased 3 GE/Jasco 14321 Z-Wave dimmers and they were not supported in HA. I was able to copy the settings from OpenZwave into the zwcfg_.xml file and everything works.

In the spirit of helping the community, I would like to know how I could go about getting my changes added to the default installation? I’m happy to do whatever work needs to be done, just unsure of where to start.

I don’t know about how often HA pulls in the latest Open Z-wave config files but for Hassio if you download the config folder from Github and place it in ‘\YOUR_HOST_NAME\share\z-wave\open-zwave’ then your installation will use those files instead of what is included. I did this recently to clean up my unknown devices.

Thank you! that’s a great tip!