Addons configurations are not loaded from disk

I had an issue with Home Assistant, and I had to reinstall it. After this, the addons didn’t work anymore, so I had to reinstall them, using these steps:

  • Uninstall addon
  • Install addon
  • Delete the /usr/share/hassio/addons/data/<addon>
  • Copy the /usr/share/hassio/addons/data/<addon> from my manual backup

After this, the addons work correctly, but the interface (http://<ip>:8123/hassio/addon/<addon>/config) shows the default config sample.

I did reboot even the entire system, to no avail. Isn’t the config read from that directory?

Try restarting the addons after copying across the data. Restarting home assistant has no effect on the addons. They keep running in their docker containers.

I said that I also restarted the entire system, which clearly restarts the docker containers too.

Well you said you rebooted, which is indeed restarting the whole system. A lot of people confuse the word ‘reboot’ with restart (which only restarts HA). Apologies for assuming you were one of those people.

No problem.

After reboots and restarts and confusion, the file on disk was incorrect. So, I did this:

  • Stop the addon
  • Copy the correct config file from the manual backup and overwrite the /usr/share/hassio/addons/data/<addon>/options.json one
  • Open the http://<ip>:8123/hassio/addon/<addon>/config page

And the displayed config is not the one on disk.

After starting the addon, the contents of the config file on disk gets replaced with the one from the interface. So my guess is that Home Assistant doesn’t parse the JSON file on disk, but rather keeps a separate YML copy in a separate place. :thinking: