Getting major issues with a fresh HomeAssistant Raspberry pi image and restore of Addons
I Have a full backup of HA supervised system with core 2023.7.3. More thanone in fact but issues are occurring for all tried so far.
I installed fresh HA from RaspberryPi Imager Home Assistant OS. Decided to downgrade new installation to 2023.7.3 I.e. same version. Hoped this would help solve issues I had been having if HA and my backup were the same version.
Did a full restore. It took several hours but finally had a system up. However, several addons were not Started and wouldn’t when I manually attempted to start. List is:
zwave js specific not ui
ring mqtt with video
ring livestream
Samba nas
tasmo admin
Others had started.
I was aware of the issue other users had had with restores and addons not starting so uninstalled some of these and reinstalled, intending to do partial addon restores later. However, even with combinations of system uninstalling and system restarts, then installing addons with following system restarts, addons are not starting in their “vanilla” format. For example, Zigbee2mqtt is showing that it is receiving mqtt from zigbee devices in the addon logs after I press Start but it does not show as started and still has the dreaded red spot showing as Stopped. Please help!!! I am at a loss.