Adguard Home - Removed but still appear in logs

Hey all,

Got rid of the AdGuard Home addon and all seems good…except when looking in the logs.

2021-01-18 13:32:21 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry for adguard not ready yet. Retrying in 20 seconds

Have quite a few of these during startup. Anyone knows why and how I can clean my configuration up further?


Same same but different:

WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot_exclude' is deprecated, 'backup_exclude' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of AdGuard Home
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I am seeing this same error…and while this post says “solved” I don’t see any solution.

Same issue here:

21-11-05 12:35:20 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'snapshot_exclude' is deprecated, 'backup_exclude' should be used instead. Please report this to the maintainer of AdGuard Home

AdGuard has been unistalled for ages, but obviously the supervisor still thinks it’s there in some way. Any idea how to ‘clean’ this up?

Remove the add-on store in which adguard appears. Once removed the warnings will be gone.

Thanks for the reply.

AdGuard came from the Home Assistant Community Add-on store. I have active add-ons from that store. What happens if I remove the store while add-ons are active?

Then you will have to live with the warning until it has been fixed.