I’m trying to create some automation to adjust my temperature automatically if someone adjust them manually.
I have some Danfoss LC13 valves, and I can set the temperature from HA with no problem. If I adjust the temp manually, it is reflected back to HA so I do see the set point value (yes, I know it do not send the current temp, but that is not an issue).
What I want is to trigg an automation if someone manually sets the temp above X degrees for X min…
I have tried this now, but it do not trig:
The automation is created in the gui, so the quotation marks is added there.
But I tried as you said here, and removed the quotation marks (and I removed the trigger time, just to test). But I can’t get this to trig… Nothing happends…
Have a look in the developer tools / states menu. I’m guessing the set point is an attribute of the climate component not the state (which is what the trigger uses).