🔥 Advanced Heating Control

Without any person/schedule/presence sensor ect. only window detection and calibration is allowed. I will see if I also could whitelist force max temperature for your needs.

I configured an easy workaround : a schedule “always on” :smiley:
That’s fine by me, it works, thank you very much for your so quick answer !
Best regards

Hello everyone,
I have tried to find a solution to my problem in this thread, but have not found anything suitable.
I come from the FHEM smart home system. There I had my thermostats (HM-CC-RT-DN) connected to a virtual sensor and in this way used an external Aqara temperature sensor to overwrite the ACTUAL temperature from the thermostat. The temperature measured by the thermostat was always much higher than the actual room temperature.
Now I use Home assistant and this blueprint, thank you very much for that.
I have entered my room thermostat and entered my Aqara sensor as the room temperature sensor.
Unfortunately, this combination does not seem to work. The thermostat thinks it has a temperature of 22 degrees, for example, but the room temperature sensor shows 18 degrees. The thermostat does not heat because it thinks it is much warmer than it actually is.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this combination not working, or am I completely misunderstanding the Blueprint?

i tried around with my new thermostat for a week now and dont seem to get it right.
The thermostat is a bosch thermostat II (BTH-RA). i have set it up to eco 19°C and comfort 22°C but it is always to hot. I tried with genereic calibration and without it… its always to hot…


Here are my last 5 traces… what am i dooing wrong here?


Hi @panhans,

thanks for everything you do. I love what you’ve built, and the way you take our feedback into account.

I took a few samples today, prior to upgrading to the latest version you published. I thought it could make sense to share these, because today none of us went to their respective work places (for which I have dedicated Areas defined), meaning that we both left our home area but never showed up in any of the other Areas I have defined.

Log samples obtained before 12:57 (which corresponds to file named 2025-02-01T11_57_28.660060) were generated automatically by the automation. Right at 12:57 I run the automation manually (while we both were still away from home) and downloaded log sample 2025-02-01T11_57_28.660060. In all the cases, target temperature was always kept at Comfort temperature instead of Eco.

As you have already deployed a fix, none of the above may be of your interest maybe, but as I had generated them I thought I would share them any way.

I just reimported your blueprint now, removed me and my wife’s persons and adjusted the proximity setting to 0 as per your suggestion. See here:

Question: how will the automation handle “Leaving home” now that I have removed the 2 person entities? I don’t like preheating because based on the times I have monitored what the proximity sensors report, I felt they did not accurately depict what was happening in my real life.

Question: If I removed any other defined Areas, would the previous person defined approach work? If needed I could remove them, should that simplified the Area parsing thing that you outlined above.

Thanks again for your very valuable help!!


I have noticed the following, I have created a helper for the schedule and integrated a senosr for the door

now the following happens

when the automation starts according to the schedule and the door is open, the heating still starts

only when I close the door and open it again the door sensor takes effect


Do your thermostat support native calibration? Press D-Key anywhere and type the name of your thermostat to get to the device page of your thermostat.
Have a look for a calibration / external temperature entity. Figure out the entity id if given and set the corresponding key word in the settings.

"entity_id": "climate.livingroom_us_radiator",
"state": "heat",
"temperature": 22,
"current_temperature": 24.6

This means your valve should be closed. Are you sure heat is the correct hvac mode for your thermostat? For some thermostats it’s handled like a boost mode and it needs to be set to auto. What thermostat are you using?

Yes, there was an issue that prevent the automation to switch to eco.

Without any persons the leaving home duration has no impact. If you set the range of the proximity sensor to 0 you just have a on/off (home/not home) logic without any durations and preheating

Yes, but with the current logic this is not needed. Now problems can occure when sombody leaves the home who’s not configured in the blueprint since now the logic is not targeting persons but the home zone. Maybe I have to enhance the logic a little bit and store some information in a temp scene. :wink:

Hmm, I can not reproduce this issue. Could you share a trace log? (Have a look into the troubleshooting section in the first post of this thread.)

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maybe i have made the wrong setting somewhere

i am using a bosch thermostat II BTH-RA.

I already tried switching to Auto as hvac mode but nothing changed.

Could you share a screenshot of the settings / entities of your thermoatat, e.g. in z2m or the device overview in home assistant?

if you are using z2m you have a calibration entity. I use local_temperature_calibration as Calibration Entity Key Word

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Infrarotheizung Stall Box 1
      minutes: 5
    hot_tolerance: 0
    precision: 0.1
    ac_mode: false
    cold_tolerance: 2
    min_temp: -5
    max_temp: 30
    unique_id: box1_heizung
    heater: switch.shellyplusplugs_d4d4da7c05d4_switch_0
    target_sensor: sensor.bthome_sensor_3629_temperature

Glad we spotted this!

I see. Entering and leaving home duration is something that I appreciated. Helps minimize “false positives”. Not a big issue though.

It would be awesome if you did that! At the moment I’m only using the proximity integration. Will report back later next week.

thank you for the notice. i will try the one you use. Which is the calibration entity? And did you use the name of the entity-id or where did you get the keyword?

Is it Temperature?

Thank you for your help.

yes thats “Temperatur” in you screenshot. If you check the entity_id from this you will see something like: number.xxx_local_temperature_calibration

Thank you for your reply!
It seems the Homematic HM-CC-RT-DN does not support native calibration, instead rely on their internal temperature sensor.

I come from the system FHEM. There it was possible to use a virtual sensor an pair it with the thermostat. I wrote an automation that overwrites every 5 minutes the value ot the virtual sensor with a room temperature sensor. This virtual sensor writes in the Homematic thermostat wheater channel on overwrites the internal temperature sensor.
HM-CC-RT-DN Funk-Heizkörperthermostat – FHEMWiki
In the middle of the site, there is a manual for using an external sensor as virtual sensor.

Hi, after checking a few days know, i can say, it works.


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Hi Panhans,

Many thanks for your quick reply. I have had some issues with my zigbee network and that took a bit of time to resolve. Now this is resolved, am coming back to this.

Apologies if this is a stupid/noob question but when you say edit the TRVs in the climates array, I have assumed to use the TRV itself in the Climate.
As for ther Turn/off turn/on section i see a few options under On/Off Automation Toggle but not sure if this fits what you have said.

In any case would it make sense to simply paste the code in the yaml editor and make sure to select the right entity/climates?

My yaml currently looks like this:

description: ""
alias: 🔥 Advanced Heating Control V5
  path: panhans/advanced_heating_control.yaml
      - climate.trv_amelie_2
    input_temperature_sensor: sensor.tempsensor_amelie_temperature_2
    input_temperature_comfort_static: 19.5
    input_temperature_eco_static: 12
    input_temperature_comfort: input_number.temperature_slider_amelie
    input_min_instead_of_off: true
    input_off_if_nobody_home: true
      - person.djudju
      hours: 0
      minutes: 10
      seconds: 0
      - schedule.trv_amelie_s_room
    input_windows: []
    input_mode_room_temperature: false

As always, many thanks again for your precious help.

does this blueprint supports the FRITZ!Smart Thermo 301?

yes it does with the generic calibration:)

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at first - thanks for that blueprints. Seems to work prety good :slight_smile:
But one question for a use-case with temporary temperature override.

  1. I’ve a room only configured with static eco and comfort temperateu (no schedule). It is possible to override for one time the comfort temperature with a manual value and after next switching from temporary value → eco → comfort the configured value will be taken?

  2. Almost same situation but with a schedule. I’ll modify the current temperature but with next temperature change from schedule the original values will be taken?

Thanks for info :slight_smile: