Advantage Air - Zone Actual Temps as sensors

With the Advantage Air MyPlace system with temperature sensors you can see the zone temps in the climate cards.

It would be great to be able to have these as separate sensor so that can then be used in automations etc.

It would mean not requiring additional temperature sensors in those rooms.

@Brett_Adams I believe you are the owner of the integration which is why I have tagged you.


I think the best practice answer here would be that you create your own template sensors that read the current_temperature from the climate entities. That said I don’t think it would be too hard to add sensor entities natively. I’ll do this if I can find the time, but it wont make it to core for about two months given the way PRs work.

OK It was pretty easy so I have raised the PR.

Awesome! Thanks very much.

I didnt even think of using template sensors so was going to look into that but I may wait now for this to be merged into Core.

Thanks for actioning this so quickly. Really appreciate the integration too.