Advice for new Thermostat

I upgraded my home central air unit to a new heat pump and I’m looking at replacing thermostats as well. Two zones system. I’m looking for something that will work nicely with HA and I value my privacy, so as much local as possible. What I also like is seeing the weather forecast for a few days ahead on the screen, which I believe Ecobee has. I do like design of Sensi Touch 2, but it lacks weather integration, for that much money they could have added it, I believe it costs as much as Ecobee. Is there anything else out there that matches what I’m describing?
Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Country/region? How would you interface your HP? Dry contact, direct power feed?

This is for US, interface via 5 wires coming from zone controller, includes 24V common.

Sorry I’m in the EU so different standards here.
I’ve seen on the formum that many use Honeywell thermostats integrated via zigbee (or zwave??). You may try to take alook