Hello All,
i’m an absolute beginners on the HAOS world and willign to ask few questions, very before starting up with a project that could be not easy/possible to achieve.
It is not a big issue, but after few layers of adding devices (mainly shellys) i find their app and capabilities not really satisfying, so here the few things i would like to obtain using HAOS and connecting those shellys and other possible devices for specific usage.
Create an HOUSE with rooms, where i can show the temperature coming from the SHelly Addon with two ditial probes (DS18xxx). Today i cannot do it, but the 2 probes are only showing on one single room (on their app). I want to select the signal and add to the room on HAOS
Add a thermostat (accepted suggestion on which affordable model) to open/close the heating system (no automation at the moment) but i want to understand if the thermostat that i will have can be used from the single dashboard where i see also rooms temperature
I have RGBW and other LED STRIPS , but i already know it is possible to manage very easily for colors and dimmer , but just to confirm this will be independent from the device which I’m using
I’m using ALEXA, the only optional thing I would like to obtain would be asking the temperature for each room and start the heating using it!
I have bought a minipc and possibly i will use the proxmox virtualizator as i want also to add few other VMs for my personal hobbies (not automation related).
Thank you for tips, advises, possible showstoppers!!
Last information to introudce myself, i’m from Milano and I’m an IT architect for an ww company, very please for have found you !