Aeotec Multisensor 6 - never returning to normal from vibration/motion detected


I got my second Multisensor 6 today which I set up just like the other one I have.
I set it to binary reports and changed some of the threshold values and intervals - that’s it.
It’s detected by HA just fine and the temperature/humidity and brightness sensors work like expected.
However, the “burglar” sensor stays permanently at “3” (vibration detected) or “8” (motion detected) - which exactly, seems to change randomly after unplugging and reattaching USB power to the sensor.
For some reason it never falls back to “0” and I also have the feeling that motion detection is not working at all.
The “on time” parameter (parameter 3) is set to 10s.

I’ll try a firmware update tomorrow (but since it’s a new sensor it probably already is at the latest version).
Other than that, I think the thing might be broken out of the box.

Any other ideas?
