Aeotec Multisensor 6 spamming logbook

I have a multisensor 6 and it seems to work fine.
However, I get repeated entries in the logbook about changes that don’t change anything:

3:56 PM Garage Multi Sensor Burglar changed to 8
3:56 PM Garage Multi Sensor SourceNodeId changed to 0
3:56 PM Garage Multi Sensor Alarm Level changed to 0
3:56 PM Garage Multi Sensor Alarm Type changed to 0
3:44 PM Garage Multi Sensor Burglar changed to 8
3:44 PM Garage Multi Sensor SourceNodeId changed to 0
3:44 PM Garage Multi Sensor Alarm Level changed to 0
3:44 PM Garage Multi Sensor Alarm Type changed to 0

There was nothing between those entries. Why is it doing that? How do I make it stop?
It makes the logbook completely unreadable…

I’m seeing this too, but it seems to be all of my door / window sensors. Filling up my database and making the logbook useless. Did you ever find a fix?

No, I did not :frowning: