Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 does not work on Ubuntu

I have installed HA on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and I am trying to enable an Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5, configure it in the configuration file, the OS recognizes it, but these messages appear in the log:

2018-01-28 12: 28: 41.508 Always, OpenZwave Version 1.4.2586 Starting Up
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.124 Info, Setting Up Provided Network Key for Secure Communications
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.124 Warning, Failed - Network Key Not Set
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Info, mgr, Added driver for controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Info, Opening controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Info, Trying to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Error, ERROR: Can not open serial port / dev / ttyACM0. Error code 13
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 42.125 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 0)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 47.125 Info, Opening controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 47.125 Info, Trying to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 47.126 Error, ERROR: Can not open serial port / dev / ttyACM0. Error code 13
2018-01-28 12: 28: 47.126 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 47.126 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 52.126 Info, Opening controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 52.126 Info, Trying to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 52.126 Error, ERROR: Can not open serial port / dev / ttyACM0. Error code 13
2018-01-28 12: 28: 52.126 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 52.126 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 2)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 57.133 Info, Opening controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 57.133 Info, Trying to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 28: 57.134 Error, ERROR: Can not open serial port / dev / ttyACM0. Error code 13
2018-01-28 12: 28: 57.134 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 28: 57.134 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 3)
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Info, Opening controller / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Info, Trying to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0 (attempt 1)
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Error, ERROR: Can not open serial port / dev / ttyACM0. Error code 13
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Error, ERROR: Failed to open serial port / dev / ttyACM0
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Warning, WARNING: Failed to init the controller (attempt 4)
2018-01-28 12: 29: 02.134 Detail, Contrlr, Notification: DriverFailed

Please your help!

Thank you

I have the same setup.
I had to add myself ($whomami) to the “dialout” group permissions
$sudo usermod -a -G dialout MYUSERNAME
were MYUSERNAME is found from $whoami

Are you sure your z stick is at ttyacm0? Mine changes from install to install. It can also change on reboot.

Confirm what it is using the instuctions on the zwave page.

I did what you told me for my user, but it does not work. Install HA from ubuntu software, this is installed by another user?

If I’m sure it’s ttyACM0, removing the stick removes that device from / dev.

Maybe try $sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
If that doesn’t work, I don’t have any other ideas.

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According to the log, it seems that you have spaces in the path to the device. If you do, remove them. :slight_smile: should be /dev/ttyACM0.