I’m running HassOS on a Raspberry Pi 3 with an Aeotec Z-Stick Series 2 + Z-Wave In-wall Micro Double Smart Switch (2nd edition).
I have this in my configuration.yaml
usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
Both devices come up in Home Assistant status looks good, but when I switch things on and off sometimes it will turn on/off, but sometimes it wont. Sometimes the switch will toggle back to on in Home Assistant even though it is off.
Sometimes Home Assistant will report that is is dead. Am I missing something else in the config?
Sounds like your switch is on the edge of the range from the controller.
Is the switch in a plastic or metal wall box?
How far from the controller is the switch, and what’s between the switch and the controller (for example, it’s two rooms away with two plasterboard walls in the way, and a cupboard of clothes)?
Just a bit more background, this Z-Stick is currently used with a Windows 7 VM running Axial Control. Works perfectly and super responsive.
So when I tested with Home Assistant I pretty much unplug the Z-Stick from my ESXi host and plug it into my RPi3 and configure it in Home Assistant (not sure if this is part of the problem)?
I’ve previously had the Z-Stick 4-5metres away, between kitchen and one bedroom and no issues. This is still on the same Windows 7 VM with Axial Control.
The switch itself is just in the wall cavity behind the physical wall switch not in a box or anything. During testing when connected to the RPi3 it’s in another room, line of sight it’s 3 metres away in between is a wardrobe.
I’ve ordered a Gen 5 Z-Stick that I’ll do some testing on once I receive it.