Aeotec ZW039 Temp/Humidity sensor

Have finally managed to pair a ZWave Aeotec ZW039 to HA…and it reports. Sort of. It doesn’t appear to update unless I actively wake the unit up (I took it from inside at 20C to outside at -1C and it did…nothing.)

It’s supposed to report every 15 min, and, really, all I want is to set up a simple automation to tell me if it gets below 6C (freeze alert) and then when it goes back above that temp. Seems easy, but without the unit reporting, I can’t even test it!!

Has anyone used one of these for a similar purpose? Can you provide some guidance? (Still an HA noob…)

I deleted it and re-added it (again, for the 456th time…) and it came up properly fairly quickly. So I set it up and it’s still not updating regularly unless I press the sensor’s button…but it DOES update then. I tested via a quick automation (freeze alert in my case) and stuck it in one of my freezers…

Now will see if the sensor updates over time. Not holding my breath.

And…lo and behold…this time it actually seems to be regularly updating!