Aeotec Zwave USB stick will not reset to factory defaults

I am having some trouble resetting my Aeotec Gen5 USB device. How is this done exactly? I haven’t reset it since purchase a few years ago, but now I’m having issues with Nodes status changing to “dead” frequently.

In an attempt to remedy this, I removed nodes manually, and then removed the Aeotec stick and pushed a paper clip into the reset hole, felt a small button? push on the inside and held it like that for 20 secs awaiting the flashing lights… no reset occurred. From the manual they speak of a red flashing light in increasing frequency as reset draws closer. I see none of that happening as my led remains off.

The led are working ie. Blue flash for pairing and Orange flash for unpairing. Strobing colors when plugged in. There just aren’t any colors when attempting a reset. USB is unplugged when the process begins. Perhaps there is a hard reset option for this stick in Home Assistant that I am not seeing? Thanks

  • Press and hold the RESET Button for 20 seconds and then release it. (You can visually watch the ‘C’ LED)
  • The LED will blink red faster and faster over the course of 20 seconds.
  • The blue LED will solid for 2 seconds as confirmation of a successful factory reset, you may now let go of the RESET button.

Thanks, I have re-read the instructions, and I seem to be following those instructions now, unless I have to hold the “action” button at the same time as I insert the paperclip? I’m not sure what I may be doing wrong or if I have a problem with my stick.

Did you ever solve this, I look to have the same problem. Unplug stick hold reset for over 20 seconds but no flashing lights and stick isn’t reset.

Sorry, I wasn’t ever able to solve this. The reset never worked. I am just increasing numbers that correlates to the devices every time they are repaired. I even attempted to do it via software and nothing. Once those nodes are there, they are there forever. Resetting only seems to change the number associated. The old pairings just linger.

Wish I had better news on that front.

My “disco” lights were off via a switch I created with help from the forums, so when troubleshooting I turned that back on to see what I was doing before continuing.

There must be way to factory reset properly, although from my understanding reading the online help it continues to evade me.

I’m just rebuilt my server to the support Debian so decided to start again as I’ve been meaning to restart the zwave stuff again. I seem to have some legacy nodes sitting in there that have no config or device in their setup and even the nodes that are there I’m wondering why, as I reset all the devices and was not expecting them to be paired. I sorted out the disco light issue on my previous install so can do that, It just would have been nice to have a clean system to start afresh as I’m moving all the devices over to a seperate IoT network.

The trick is, the device MUST be unplagged from usb port.

It might be that the stick has a dead battery. “Reset when unplugged” leads me to infer that the reset function is battery powered and when I measured the battery voltage in my stick it was clearly dead.

For me the same. That the thing has a battery was unclear to me :laughing: