I recently installed Home Assistant OS in a Raspberry Pi 4 and was able to integrate Govee H5151 with three thermometers / humidity sensors and several smart outlets and all were working fine. After reading of the frequent problems with SD cards crashing in Home Assistant, I decided to migrate the system to a Kingston SSD 240 GB A400 SATA 3 before I invest a lot of time doing more integrations and automations. To migrate I did a new installation of the Home Assistant OS for Rasberry Pi 4 using the Rasberry Pi imager. I also installed the Bootloader for USB Boot.
I then followed the process to load the bootloader to boot from USB, booted from the SSD and then did a restore from the full backup. Everything works as with the SD card, except that the three Govee thermometers and humidity sensors show “Unavailable”.
If I shutdown and boot from the old SD card, the Govee thermometers and humidity sensors connect fine and show the readings properly.
Please let me know how I can solve the problem so that I can continue to use the SSD. Thanks,