After upgrade unable to play TTS speech through KODI

Hello, I used playing speech through KODI player, but after update Today (Core to core-2021.4.0 and HA OS to 5.13, running in VBox) TTS does not work and I am getting message

jsonrpc_base.jsonrpc.ProtocolError: (-32602, 'Invalid params.', {'error': {'code': -32602, 'data': {'method': 'Player.Open', 'stack': {'message': 'Received value does not match any of the union type definitions', 'name': 'item', 'type': 'object'}}, 'message': 'Invalid params.'}, 'id': 3209735313337907273, 'jsonrpc': '2.0'})

the service call is as follows. what can I do?

service: tts.google_translate_say
  entity_id: media_player.kodi_8e73777cbac09695e6ee382fbef08e30
  message: Test

I will be updating my HA tomorrow. I also utilize KODI for TTS thru MaryTTS.
If you don’t get any other answers by then I will let you know.

This is fixed and should does ship with 2021.4.2.