Aidoo Airzone integration doubt

Hi guys, I am new to HA.
I have a daikin system and 4 Aidoo devices (code AZAI6WSCDA1).
Pay attention these devices are not the PRO version, just the wifi version.
I can control the devices with the iphone app with no issues. I don’t think I can use the site… If i login i see no device there…

The question is: which integration should I use to control them via HA?

I found several alternatives but I think they are for the pro version of these devices.

Anybody can help me here?

I had same issue and i solve it.
First i made the login in the ( and i download into the iphone the airozone cloud app instead of aidoo app. Paired the Aidoo in the new app with airzonecloud credential i was able to integrate in home assistnat with HACS custome repository:
GitHub - max13fr/Airzonecloud-HomeAssistant: Airzone Cloud plugin for Home Assistant
It works without issue.


Is this still working? I’ve tried to set it up but it never found my devices.

A couple of other people in the github issues seem to have the same problem.

Edit to give a bit more detail.
I was able to add the Airzone Aidoo (non pro) to the airzone cloud app.
Where I’m struggling is to get HA to detect the devices

I’ve installed this integration with a non-pro Airzone and it worked flawlessly.

I was expecting that the newly available Airzone Cloud integration made available in 2023.06 would provide the climate entity, but unfortunately only provide temp/humidity and rssi sensors.

Anyone knows why this official integration don’t have the climate entity?

Same reaction. I’m scratching my head why would the official integration for a climate system not enable you to control the climate?

I tried installing from the custom repo through HACS as mentioned here and it works okay but is a bit buggy. The states don’t seem to sync correctly.

The developer said in GitHub that he talking with Airzone to get some kind of compensation for developing the integration.

I understand the position. Also Noltari, who developed the official integration for Airzone Cloud in HA (that was released in 2023.06 version) shared in another topic that is talking also with Airzone about it.

Since Airzone develops the API, they should have a development team that should be willing to collaborate with Nabu Casa and make a neat and tightly integration for Home Assistant. It would be in their best interest to provide a great experience to their customer that are willing and interested.

But on the other side, Airzone have deviced that work exclusively in the clod and other with other intergration and local API, hope they’re not pushing it for that premium devices to be integrated with HA locally.

No matter that, I’ve questioned Airzone support about their work with HomeAssistant people and if they have a plan. Still waiting for a reply in the past 10 days.

@jpatriarca were you able to get anywhere with support?

I just got 3 Airdoos. The Local integration fails to connect completely. The Airzone Cloud integration authenticates, shows my installation. It repeatedly failed to setup the devices until finally it worked once. But the sensor values are unavailable. Besides, lack of a climate device to control it renders it essentially useless. Really hoping to get this to work!