Hi There,
I was playing around with the air quality integration (WAQI) and wondered if anyone succeeded to create an automatically updating tile that would take my phones current location as opposed to a fixed location?
Hi There,
I was playing around with the air quality integration (WAQI) and wondered if anyone succeeded to create an automatically updating tile that would take my phones current location as opposed to a fixed location?
It is not availble from the integration but you could write a command_line integration where la/lon is based on a person lat/lon (templated)
along the docs this is the command to use
curl -i "http://api.waqi.info/feed/geo::lat;:lng/?token=:token"
Thanks for your quick reply and interesting solution. What do you mean by along the docs? Sorry, but I’m not so versed (yet).
I found it an interesting topic for myself too…this works with the card
- sensor:
name: airquality_local
unique_id: airquality_local
scan_interval: 14400
command: >
curl "http://api.waqi.info/feed/geo:{{state_attr('zone.home','latitude')}};{{state_attr('zone.home','longitude')}}/?token=zzzzzzzzzzzz" | jq '. | {status: .status, aqi: .data.aqi, city: .data.city.name, dominentpol: .data.dominentpol, pressure: .data.iaqi.p.v, pm_2_5: .data.iaqi.pm25.v , pm_10: .data.iaqi.pm10.v, ozone: .data.iaqi.o3.v, nitrogen_dioxide: .data.iaqi.no2.v, temperature: .data.iaqi.t.v, time: .data.time.iso }'
value_template: >
{{ value_json.aqi }}
- status
- aqi
- dominentpol
- pm_10
- pm_2_5
- pressure
- temperature
- nitrogen_dioxide
- ozone
- city
- time