Hi guys, I started HA 2 months ago and I am impressed what all this can do. I’ve been working with Fibaro and Domoticz for 7 years, but HA beats everything. He sees all my interfaces and I can integrate everything that has a network. But I’m a little disappointed and can’t fix it. I have an Aitport express gen2 and hooked it up to a media player, this worked perfectly, I could stream everything, radio, NAS server etc until I got an Apple TV and integrated it too, when I stopped streaming to my Airport Express. That’s pretty disappointing. Is there any way to get this working again?
I haven’t had this problem since adding an AppleTV, however, for some -unknown- time, I have been unable to stream to an AirPort Express as well. Before, I could at least stream TTS to it, but now, unfortunately, all stays quiet, and, as far as I can see, without errors. Do you get any errors in your logs? And in what way did it stop working for you?
I have the same problem as tricksel, the Airport does not play anymore.
When sending a radio station or an mp3, I get the following message in logs:
- [140180366384320] (‘failed to init decoder’, -1)
I opened a issue in Home Assistant as not much information are available to debug this.