Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

The spill zone selection can’t be changed without reconfiguring the AirTouch in Home Assistant (it’s part of the AirTouch installation settings and not expected to change). However, the selection is only used for the zone spill sensor (to indicate whether the sensor is being used for spill or not) and the spill percentage sensor. If you’re not worried about those you could just choose bypass. If you pick multiple zones the spill on/off sensors will work but the spill percentage sensor won’t.

There is an automation linked from the readme here which does this:

Take a look at the actions in the automation for an example of how to reset the control method.
Let me know if it doesn’t make sense.

@TheNoctambulist Ben, how would I reconfigure it? I would like to have the spill sensors for each room :slight_smile: Would I have to reinstall the component, or re-initialise it somehow? I’d rather not have to since I renamed all the entities slightly to make sense to me.

I’ll have a look at the example automations in a day or two, thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks, found it. I think that should be fine for my needs.

Can anyone give any advice on how I can get the spill sensors for the other rooms that weren’t created at install time?

I could remove and reinstall the component, but I’d rather not as I’ve renamed all the entities, and I’m not sure if that would work anyway.

You’ll need to delete and re-add the AirTouch device from the integration settings page to change the spill zone. All the entities are created with deterministic unique IDs, so I think Home Assistant will keep any renames etc.

If you plan to change the spill zone regularly, then the best bet is probably to select both zones as spill zones when setting up the integration. Then you will get the individual spill sensor for each zone. The only downside would be that the spill percentage sensor will always be +100% over the actual value , but that could easily be worked around with a template sensor.

Thanks Ben. Do you mean go into Settings → Devices and Services → Polyair Airtouch and delete the integration then re-install?

Or to delete the device that the integration creates?

Or something else?

I change the spill zone quite regularly. The system wasn’t installed all that well, and we get quite a bit of spill. In heating mode we usually want the lounge to be warmer than bedrooms so we set the spill there. We like bedrooms cooler than the lounge for sleeping, like most people, so in cooling mode we’d rather have the bedrooms a bit cooler than cool down the lounge where we watch TV and such.

I’ll add every zone as a spill zone. I’ll be able to create a sensor to compensate, or just work with whatever values it has. I’ll be experimenting to start with, if I have to reinstall it a few times to get it right that’s ok :slight_smile:

Yeah, delete the hub from the integration page.

Assuming you have only one spill zone at any given time, you can work out the spill percentage as 100 - (sum of all zone openings)

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Hey @tamorix. Am I correct that your pull request hasn’t been accepted yet?