looking for help on configuring this airxcell bluetooth thermostat into home assistant link to it here https://www.airxcel.com/rv/coleman-mach/products/thermostats/bluetooth-thermostats it has a phone app so it should be able to play nice with home assistant thanks
It having a phone app doesn’t automatically mean it will work with Home Assistant unfortunately. It doesn’t look like an integration for that thermostat currently exists.
I understand that the phone app does not make it work automatically with Home Assistant, however I am not a programmer to build a app that would let the thermostat play nice with Home assistant that is why I posted hoping somebody that know how to build a app or whatever to let them talk to each other, currently I am able to pair the Raspberry pi and thermostat via bluetooth and that is as far as I get with it
That wasn’t clear at all in your original post. You can make a post in the feature request section asking for an integration with this thermostat to be created though.