I have a Velux window and if it gets left open and it rains the rain comes into the room. I have a window sensor but is there a way to only have an alarm if the weather looks like it may rain?
How do you determine when it looks like it may rain?
Is it humidity or what are you using?
I have an AmbientWeather WS-2902C station and utilize the integration for that, so when it actually does start to rain then I have automations to check for any open windows which then does send a notification about which windows should be closed.
If you don’t want or need a weather station, maybe a moisture sensor near the window hidden on the sill or on the outside of the building somewhere?
The other option is searching an hourly weather forecast state for the words rain, rainy, storm, stormy, showers, etc…
This is the way
Weather forecast, met office has a percentage for chance of rain.
Wondering if IKEA BADRING leak sensor would do this. Guess they should be waterproof but winter temps bay screw them up. Are there any moisture sensors you recommend, preferably zigbee. The weather station is a bit priciy.
Then that is what you should use for your trigger.
Badring isn’t waterproof, it only works to detect water with two metallic connectors from its lower part of the case. However, it is possible to connect something like this DIYables Water Sensor Detector for Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi and place it outside while Badring rest inside home. In this case you can automatically close the Velux or at least get notification at first drops.