Alarm notification chanal

Recently i installed smoke&gas detections in my house, the idea was to create an automation that alert me throu my phone when sensors detect gas or smoke, then i found that there is no way to make the phone push an alarm notification and the only option i have is the regular notification which it’s not enough to alert especially in the critical situations, I think if the mobile app have two notification chanals one for notification and the other for the alert such as ajax app, this will be very useful and easy to use,


  1. You forgot to vote for your own request
  2. The feature you want already exists, see Critical notifications | Home Assistant Companion Docs
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Hi Maku, what is an ajax app notification?

I recently implemented the Telegram bot and I am really enjoying it for many purposes, it sends me an alarm when motion is captured at home while I am away and also attach pictures of all my webcams, it alerts me when the energy power use is very high to avoitd blackouts, etc…

Ajax is a security system, it’s own app have two separate chanals for notifications, so you can use two different ringtones one for regular notifications and the other for alert ( siren ringtone)

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