Alert when next day temperature below 10C?

I am unable to do such automation, i am trying like this:
in template condition
"{{ state_attr('weather.forecast_dom', 'forecast')[1].temperature | int <10 }}"
"{{ state_attr('weather.forecast_dom', 'forecast')[1]['temperature'] | int <10 }}"

and also without “int” but when i test it it shows that this condition is not met.
Even when i have <30000

how to do it?

What does it tell in the template debugger?

e.g. (replace weather.owm_daily by weather.forecast_dom, ofc)

Wild guess here- the blind leading the blind as it is. But isn’t states a string? Are you comparing a string to an int, which should always be false?

Your tests in the template editor appear to be correct, is that not what you are looking for? Where are you actually trying to test for this, in automation? If so, paste the YAML of that so we can diagnose.

You should be on the right track with those evaluations:

{{ int(state_attr('weather.forecast_dom', 'forecast')[1]['temperature'], 0) <10 }}

The OP did not actually reply, yet.
Not really sure what @krskrab wanted to show…

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it ws my error, everything works fine with this
{{ state_attr('weather.forecast_dom', 'forecast')[1].temperature <X }}

do you know how to do that also for, not only for