Alexa Cloud config - filter interactions

Its unclear from the documentation how ‘include’ and ‘exclude’ filters will interact with each other once set up in configuration.yaml. For example, if I have nothing listed in ‘include’ but have the switch domain excluded will everything be mapped as an Alexa controllable device except the switches. Or will nothing be mapped at all since nothing was specified in the ‘include’ filter.

I could come up with several additional scenarios that are unclear from the docs. Can anyone give me some insight as to how these filters will interact?

I remember testing this out by brute force back in the day with the emulated hue platform. Doing something similar is what you probably want to do. A simple test would be to exclude the switch domain but include a single switch. I would assume that only 1 switch would appear and all others would be excluded. Then I would remove excluding the domain and see if it stays as just the single switch.