I have an IPv6 only internet connection. I set up DuckDNS account and Let’s encrypt certificate in order to make HASS accessible via https://xyz.duckdns.org:433 (confirmed access via my mobile)
The environment variable NOT_VERIFY_SSL is set to True.
Testing the Lamda-Function throws the error Task timed out after 3.01 seconds.
Any ideas how to fix the issue? Thanks for your support!
Im personally finding it very flakey, I can have a request work and then 5 sec later im getting timeouts.
In the lambda, make sure you have the variables set - debug set to True and LONG_LIVED_ACCESS_TOKEN set. You should be able to press TEST and get a response back listing your devices
Also try using the Nginx Proxy Manager addin and I found when I had Cloudflare as my name server I could not get any connections though at all.