Alexa guard mode integration - started working by itself?


My HA is setup to turn off lights, etc, when I leave the house and turn some on based on the time of day when I return. It also controls my thermostat.

Recently, I noticed that I was getting an alert on my phone stating that guarde mode was being turned off/on in conjunction with my entering/leaving the house.

I’ve not setup any automation to do that, and it doesn’t work all the time – so it may be an alexa thing? I’m not sure what/why this is happening. I do have the alexa integration but mostly use it to show what’s being played. Any thoughts on what may be happening?


Do you have geofencing setup on the Alexa app on your phone? I have mine setup and a routine set to enable/disable guard mode when we leave. I’ve never heard of it doing it on its own though.

I tried to create a routing using the geofence to enable guard mode and it says;
Secure Action Aren’t Supported with location-based routines

How did you get around this?


Using NodeRed and the Alexa-Remote2 nodes. The location-based routine in Alexa turns on an input_boolean and that triggers the flow to turn on/off a Guard mode routine. It’s cludegy, but works. (So, location routine -> input_boolean -> NodeRed -> routine).

I’m not sure why it started working by itself but I think it had to do with the integration with my alarm? In any case, this is the code I use. Reza_home is a Boolean that is tied to a geofence

#Turn ON alarm guard when leaving house #

  • id: guard_on_when_leaving_house
    alias: Alexa Guard On When Leaving House
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.reza_home
    to: ‘off’
    • service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alexa_guard_c2c06