Not an issue but much more a question. I’ve successfully configure alexa via Home Assistant Cloud, it works for my temperature sensors (query), switches (on/off) but climate/thermostat are not yet supported.
As some alexa features are gadget, in my opinion this one “Alexa set thermostat temp to …” is really useful. Is there any plan for this ?
Perhaps someone has tried a workaround ? But I’m not finding any “valued” devices in current supported domains. I’ve tried a templated script, but scripts are not supported too.
I replay to myself … climate entities seems to be discovered but I’m unable to get/set temperature (Alexa answer device is not responding). I continue to investigate … perhaps a mistake on my side.
First, my mistake to use the climate component (I’ve build some “virtual” domoticz handled thermostat) but in my current HA version, 0.74.2, the answer when setting the temperature of a thermostat is not working.
I’ve to change the home assistant source code itself, this may depend on you’re version.
The change is in the source, for me it’s installed in /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/components/alexa folder. Would be good first to save the original in any case, the change is in the response to a “set_target_temp” query, the ha code is missing a “context” (which answer to alexa what has been done).
Around line 1450, change return api_message(request)with: