All LR connected devices stuck in rebuild routes Z-Wave JS UI

I recently initiated a rebuild routes on my zwave network and it appears that all my LR devices are still attempting to rebuild their routes after about 36 hours. Since they are connected via zwave LR there really isn’t a route to rebuild. How can I stop the rebuild?

Google suggests that running a “heal” will fix this issue but I can’t find that option anywhere in Z-Wave JS UI.

Restart zwave add on / docker container and it should stop that action.

You should never heal the entire network. If you need to heal do it one device at a time.

If you heal a battery powered device you need to wake it up.

So you heal is probably stuck waiting for a battery powered device to wake up.

I have restarted my Home Assistant box (NUC11 bare metal flashed with HAOS). That didn’t stop this issue. Should I be restarting something else?

Update: Looks like the rebuild has finally stopped after about 48 hours. No idea why. Nothing I did had any effect but I noticed that the circles had finally stopped spinning when I opened the app.

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